noble maggie

By maggiesays


As we went of the front door this morning, we nearly fell over this chap/lady, who, far from flying away, came towards us.
It seems to be a youngster and probably hand-reared, but has no ring. Perhaps it was a mistake to feed it some seed, which it was happy to take from my hand. Water was lafet out too. It hopped into the house, but didn't stay for long. We went out, carefully guiding it away from the car as we left. It was still here, some hours later when we came home! I tried to shoo it into a corner as BE parked the car; it took off (proving, at least, that it can fly), landed on the car for the duration of the manouver, then hopped onto the porch roof.
The neighbours came out and admitted that they had been feeding it all day too.
Maybe, then, you'll see Peregrine the Pigeon again.

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