Views of my world

By rosamund


Came home from woolfest today. Lovely to get back to Carlos and the children, house was spotless and a big bunch of flowers were waiting for me! Still not feeling 100% but was so full of inspiration from my weekend away that I had to do a spot of weaving. I warped up the table loom in purple with an orange stripe and I'm using yesterdays homespun, which I plied mostly with itself, and a little bit with some purple I had lying around. Also using some old maiden aunt fibre I got in the secret Santa, I was pleased with it spun up but it wasn't really long enough to knit anything so that has found its way in too along with a single of the purple for a wee accent. I'm liking it so far, giving myself permission to be random with varying stripes and no set pattern, hopefully it will be long enough for a scarf but I got into bother whilst warping and had to chop some ends, if it doesn't make a scarf it will just be something pretty.

Off for a nice bubble bath and (hopefully) good night's sleep in my own bed. Night all.

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