The Living Years

By emmaneni1

''Here is the world.

Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid.''

Frederick Buechner

Was woken up by Adele Someone like you a beautiful and sad song that has been the theme of the day. Said goodbye to those left at school from 12d especially Peti and Palika. Then Arpi and I went to Nori neni's to say goodbye. The goodbyes were difficult, life will be a lot quieter and less fun without them. Then it was home for some ice cream therapy and The Sound of Music. This was chosen because last night Panni (who has the most beautiful voice in the world) and I had a sing song to edelweiss inspired by a beer glass.

The blip is of the empty nest in front of the hostel. Meant to go up to the balcony before to get a photo of the babies but I think it being empty is more appropriate for today really.

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