
tonight i was speaking to student nurses at the nurses christian fellowship. i love and hate it in equal measures.

i hate it because i hate hospitals especially ndola central hospital. it's known as the place you go to die. i cannot bear it. two babies were stolen from the mortuary last week. it's crazy.

i love it because the students are amazing and in some way i hope that i am able to encourage them to be better nurses.

anyway, this post is my first in a long time. i know it's a bad excuse but as soon as i whip my camera out i just feel like a tourist. i don't want to be seen as the muzungu who comes, takes a picture and leaves.

this was taken in the hospital while i was waiting for my friend funga.

yes. funga. i love that i now have friends called funga, angel, bright, lucky, precious, shepherd, prosper........

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