Mice Naps

By kimsim


This pretty much sums up how I feel right now.

It's been a busy couple of months with some really great times ....and will get round to back-blipping them all... RockNess, Rod Stewart, Camden... but at the same time there have been a lot of ?s.

There's going to be a lot of change for me in the next few months, starting this week. Gonna need to make some big(ish) decisions about what I'm doing and where I'm going...

However there's one thing I've learned recently and that is you can never plan too much because you just don't know what might be around that next corner, good or bad.

So I'm thankful for those who are around me, my lovely family and awesome friends, because I know that the good times with them are going to outshine the bad.

So although life and my head may be a bit tangled-up at the mo, I guess overall I'm a pretty lucky girl.


"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you'll land among the stars."
~ Les Brown

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