Lali's World

By Lali

A different perspective 8

A very late blip. The reason for this is because Virgin Media decided to do some maintenance work at the time when I wanted to upload my entry, and that was just before I had to go to the staff party at work. So anyway, since I had to do a late entry, I've decided to change the picture and post one from the party this evening instead.

The party was good. We were sent for an hour to go and have fun in Camera Obscura in Edinburgh, a place were you can have lots of fun experiencing lots of different optical illusions. We had a great laugh there. Somewhere in this multiple mirrors you can see me taking the picture, hahaha! In this place you can definitely see lots of things from different perspectives!

As you can see, I was wearing my blonde wig again! This time I was dressed up as a doll! I was a bit self-conscious on the bus when I went to the party, but once in the Royal Mile I felt ok, after all in the Royal Mile you find lots of dressed up people every day, so people doesn't even notice that you're dressed up!

We had lots of food, booze and games. I decided to go home earlyish because I'm working tomorrow, and I'm doing a long shift as well. Besides, I went to the gym today as well, and I'm feeling pretty knackered.

Thanks very much for all your comments! I'll try and catch up with your blips tomorrow at some point. I hope you all had a good start of the week! :)

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