An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

It's a jungle out there!

***Blip change. Sorry changed my pic as a friend just texted me to say the close up of the fly was "giving her the boak"!!! LOL! You are now getting a blip of the buttercup and daisy jungle that is our back garden!!!***

About 2 minutes after this pic was taken D phoned to say it was make our mind up time about the house we viewed last night aka The Contender.

Well guess what, it turns out The Contender is no longer The is THE ONE!!!!!

Yes, after weeks of lusting after The (other) House and having 2 viewings and endless discussions about it, we end up going and viewing The Contender last night and within 5 minutes of being inside the door, we knew we were home.

Isn't that just the most amazing walk into a house and with each door that opens to another room, you feel your anxiety lifting and being replaced with a sense of belonging and total contentment . By the time we had finished viewing we could hardly contain ourselves. We managed to hold it together though.....well at least until we had driven away. The journey home was spent talking at a million miles an hour over each other then silence as we allowed our fizzogs to be taken over by manic grins! :))))))

So, an offer has been made (subject to specialist reports as it was built in 1900). Timing isn't great as we're off on holiday on Friday but hoping we will hear by tomorrow whether our offer has been accepted.

Thank you all my lovely, lovely Blipfriends for being with me through this exciting but stressful house hunt! Your comments and advice have been so helpful and very welcome. And you were right....we did just KNOW as soon as we were in the right house.

Please keep everything crossed that our offer will be accepted and that the specialist reports don't come back highlighting any major problems.

And if we get it, you're all invited for Christmas Dinner! :))))))

Oh I wish I was a fly on the wall, listening to the discussions going on in that gorgeous house right now!!

And I know I keep saying this but I PROMISE to try my best to get caught up with all your fab blips asap. xxxx

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