
By misspixter

Running man

Staying at my parents house tonight with Luke, they are on holiday in Eygpt. Missing them and my lil sis Hannah. This is a painting in their house, it was painted by my dads cousin; there are a few of her painting around the house. This one is my favorite as when I was a child and my Nana lived with us, I used to argue with her that in the tree on the left there is the tree trunk but she used to say it was a man running through the trees and eventually I believed her but then no-one else believed me.

Played a mean April fools on IP today, as I am still potty training Luke (and failing miserably) I sent him a text saying Luke had just weed all over the lap top and its not working now. What surprised me is Ip then rang me and thought it was hilarious, then I told him it was joke and he was relieved but I can't believe he thought it was funny! If I'd broken it, he would have not laughed I bet you.

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