michigan man

By outdoorguy

A Nervous Mother

After 2-3 years of ducking my head from a red-winged blackbirds attack...I finally spotted a nest. It was perhaps 2-3 feet off the ground, and suspended in the air between about 3 cat-tail type bushes.

I saw the female leave the nest and land on a tree branch. It's amazing to me to see such a big difference between the male and the female. Completely different colorings. From my angle...I could'nt tell if there were any eggs in the nest or not. The way both parents were circling over my head leads me to believe that there will be many and mini blackbirds very soon.

I'm always torn between completely staying away from an area like this, or sticking around and taking a few pictures. I guess I try to split the difference. I gently talk to Beatrice the blackbird. "Aunt Bea...I come in peace...I mean no harm to you and your brood." Then I take more pictures than I probably should, and eventually... quietly leave the area. I just find the whole process of nest, eggs, babies, rapid growth, and learning and leaving...to be so fascinating.

Mom circled my head over and over. Dad circled once, but his all black body did'nt make for a very good shot. I probably looked pretty stupid with my camera pointed skyward, and doing some serious gyrating to try to keep her in the frame. It was neat to see when I downloaded my pictures how many of them had mom with her eye on me. It was'nt quite a stink-eye, but, it was pretty close.

The nest is on one of my favorite walks. It's tucked away so it's not going to be a great picture, but I hope to see some babies. If Aunt Bea will listen...I'm going to recommend 3 boys names...in this order...1. Opie 2. Andy 3. Barney. And... if it's a girl? 1. Thelma Lou

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