All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Cutting the grass

Ethan was very unsettled last night and cried in his sleep a lot. Fortunately he self settled each time though and didn't get up till 6.30am. He was cheerful enough this morning but looking rather rosy cheeked. Nursery had to give him calpol at lunchtime but other than that he was fine.

Hubbie took him round the shops after he picked him up this evening, to give me a chance to get dinner ready. We wanted to see if this would help aleviate the evening meltdowns we have from Ethan on nursery days. He was better than usual although still wanted outside - can't really blame him since the sun was out for a change today! He ended up eating some of his scrambled egg on toast at the garden table before getting his lawnmover and "cutting the grass"! He was also giving kisses to our next door neighbour through the fence at one point - very cute!

Lots to do tonight in preperation for our long weekend away which is coming up. Where to start??

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