Gotham City 14 Miles

By johnduncan

City In Bloom

The other week, a Polish colleague was remarking that compared to back home, Aberdeen had very little in the way of flowers on show throughout the city. He described how, at this time of year, his polish home town would be festooned with glorious blooms. Large hanging baskets of beautiful blooms on every street.
As we drove along I pointed at a couple of baskets matching his description and said "Like those you mean?".
I then proceeded to proudly point out every basket along that 2 mile stretch of road and every other street we passed through for the rest of the day.
"I hadn't noticed" he offered as an apology.

I also had great fun highlighting the fact that:
"Aberdeen has won the "Britain in Bloom" competition 11 times and the overall "Scotland in Bloom" competition an unprecedented 39 times in a row. At one point after winning a period of nine years straight, Aberdeen was banned from the Britain in Bloom competition in order to give another city a chance".
(Scotland Magazine, 50 things you never knew about Scotland)

Today's Blip is For Robert.
There's another one man!!!

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