
By andyclicks


Good word groggy, doesn't describe the day but the current status.

It started off looking like another hot day today, and was fairly hot for the majority of the day. Nothing much happened so I think i'll talk about the weather. Which was in fact interesting. Everything was quite moist and hot and humid (YUCK) until I had double french after lunch. Everything started going greyer. The sun disappeared and a slight breeze developed.

There had been the odd clap or two of thunder just before lunch but nothing came of it. However in french the sky darkened until a point when it was simply alive. The sky was filled with streaks of light followed by eruptions of sound. Simply marvellous. I love the power and intensity of a storm. After every strike, our french class just gaped in awe. Our teacher, however, carried on persistently, slowly losing more and more attention as we dropped out one by one to watch the battle in the sky. However what was more interesting is that, even with all the thunder and lighting for however long it went on, the rain didn't follow suit until quite near the end. When it absoloutely bucketed down. Then the sky seemed to clear.

But then the thunder came back <3

That's basically the story, It was lovely really. I love storms they're just great. And I was all cosy in french, with really lovely people we were watching a video about film production and the evolution of the media (until the Interactive Whiteboard blew up because of the storm)

Anyways, that was that. Tonight though it had cleared up, and the air was nice and thin and breathable. I went to chamber after school, rather than going to my sixth form prom. Whether i'll fully regret it or not, I am yet to see. But I think i'm quite content without. Besides as soon as I got home from chamber I fell asleep,and only woke up half hour ago feeling ... groggy. Proceeded to take photos of myself, lacking any other subject matter to hand and having taken no others today. Enjoy.

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