Click Click Redemption

By Seoirseo

The Dichotomy Of Mexico City

I have seen this scene every day on my way to the English Course and wanted to photograph it since I 1st saw it.

It's the Torre Mayor (Mexico's Tallest building & 2nd tallest in Latin America) in the background w/a great, big overloaded garbage-truck in the foreground.

It seems (to me anyway) to perfectly capture the extremes of life here, but also to capture the matter-of-fact way that people just get on w/a situation that most of us sensitive newcomers find so hard to get our heads around.

Anyway, thought I'd share it.

My last Teaching Practice went very well (especially in light of the disappointments that preceded it). I have now finished all my work for the course and can finally, finally relax.

I am in fact supping a beer as I write this - Salud A Todos - and can relax and get a decent night's sleep w/out having to worry about submitting NADA!

Good Night to you all.

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