Good and Bad News!

Well, what a funny day today! I went in and had my blood test this morning then came home, tidied the house, packed up for our night at the new house and did a few other things. I heard from Kaz at about 11.30 that settlement had gone through and we were now the proud owners of a holiday house!! Heard two hours later though that the blood test had come back negative! No baby this time! We still have two left so hopefully one of those works!

I picked up Spence from daycare at about three then we drove down to the new house in Sandy Point! It was nearly dark by the time we got here so we didn't go to the beach. We brought all our things in from the car, I tried to start the fire and after the third attempt it finally worked - for about an hour!! I can't get the split system air conditioner to work either but luckily there is a portable oil heater here!! The TV can't get normal channels since the area has changed over to digital TV and the TV is only analogue and I can't seem to get the DVD player to work either or the hot water!! A few teething problems that hopefully we can fix tomorrow when it is light and we can work out what is going on!

Kaz spent the day at Traralgon and got a few things done, but she ran into a couple of problems and started feeling sick so came down here. She got here, went straight to bed and has vomited a few times already, so she is not having the best night!! But we are excited to be here!!

This is the lounge room with the fire going and Spence watching a DVD on the car DVD player!! I'm off to bed now to try and get warm!!

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