Something Old

I work during the prime part of Wednesdays 2-9. Which makes blipping in daylight rather difficult (I'm factoring in the fact that I don't usually wake up till 1). So when I stumbled upon Dear Photograph. Com I was inspired to dedicate my Wednesdays to something more interesting then some grass or the inside of the file room. Reality is; since I've returned from school my Wednesday blips have been notoriously bad.

Times a changing. Wednesdays are now deemed "Throwback Wednesdays" something I can accomplish in the hour or so between when I wake and when I leave for work. Takes minimal effort, maximal lining up of old photos, and look half the photo was already taken years ago. Viola, Wednesdays are now magical. Hey, maybe this will even inspire me to paint my nails.

Three of the Cousments; Jack, Austin, And Jake. Sidenote: Rumor has it there is a cousment party Sunday, I'm excited.

Of course some of us might remember the last time I made Wednesdays themed. Shall we take a look at Words Of Wisdom Wednesdays (1) . It was short-lived (2). But I enjoyed it (3)...while it lasted (4). Heres another (5). The last one (6).

"Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed."
-Friedrich Nietzsche

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