bridget riley's eyesight

By gail

Key to the door

Took some Y10 students to the Hayward Gallery today to see the Rodchenko exhibition and then popped downstairs to the Laughing in a Foreign Language exhibition for a quick walk through.

There was a door with sounds of a cat meowing coming from behind it, with a pile of keys in front of it (which I missed last time I went to the show). The girls insisted on going through the pile of keys till they found the right one. The guard came over and actually took the right key from the pile and gave it to the girls saying "try this one" and they slung it back on the pile so had to start all over again.

Eventually they found it and opened the lock........

And inside was another door. For which there was no key!

So the cat meowed on without being released!

Will try to put up a kiln pic later. All survived.

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