While on my runs

By waipushrink

Too early for lunch

Forgive the poor quality of this image. It was taken on my morning run, well predawn as this afternoon I am heading to Melbourne for a meeting tomorrow, and had some work to do at the office first. I won't get there until after dark. So to satisfy my obsessional need to take a photo while running and also to blip every day, this is what I got.

Heading up Symonds Street near the corner with Khyber Pass Road is a long terrace of shops, which dates back to the early years of Auckland. At the time I went past this was the only shop already open. A lunch bar. A weird little man holding a handwritten sign in English and Chinese. I guess they are after the commuters who get off or on buses more or less in front of their wee shop.

Thanks to those who continue to look at my journal. I have been very caught up with completing reports to send off to the Courts before today, so my visiting of others' journals has been erratic and any comments usually brief.

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