Strawberry picking

20months 8days

We've had a lovely day today. It's Sarah's last day so we've made the most of it, and done lots of wonderful things with the day. It started especially well as Katie not only slept through but slept til gone 6am. Hurrah!

We went first of all to Montessori. Katie did lots of paintings then spent a long time playing with Emma and the musical instruments. She was delighted to see Emma after nearly a week of not seeing her! We took Emma and her mummy home and Katie fell asleep in the car. Whilst Katie slept, we went to a few shops and found some rather fabulous bargains (including a super cute little pair of shorts for her).

When Katie woke up, we went into an old fashion sweet shop and she was very excited to get some little teeny marshmallows in her own paper bag. We stopped in a lovely little bakery that makes the best ever tiffin.

After the rain had stopped and the sun came out, we went for our first ever trip to a "pick your own" strawberry and raspberry field. First time for any of us! Katie loved going along the raspberry field, picking off the raspberries. She loved the strawberry field for all the strawberries that she got to munch on. The guy told us before we went in that it was no problem if some got eaten, so she got stuck in! I was quite surprised at the relative reasonableness of the price too. It was a really lovely time.

We stopped at the garden centre whilst it rained heaviliy and were wandering round. Katie enjoyed a tester sausage roll and tester slice of lemon cake before she asked to go get a drink in the cafe. All in all, a fabulous day!

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