Pink Gerbera

This is the first time I have tried to have these in the garden. I always saw them as delicate, warmth loving, short lived beasts who would not make it in the inclement North East of Scotland. On Saturrday they were just sitting in the garden centre literally begging to jump into my basket and come home. So I gave in to their pleadings against my better judgement. There is always room for thirty or soone more plant in the garden isn't there?

So 5 days in and they have so far endured sun, wind and rain and are still looking quite good. I got some lovely deep red ones too and have popped them in a tub.

Went to the opticians today. He stuck some drops in my eyes as part of the test. Now at the back of my mind I knew they were being used to dilate my pupils. What I failed to do was think ahead and work out what would happen when I went outside in the bright sun. I thought I was going to pass out - the amount of light streaming into my eye was blinding. I had to shuffle along the road to M&S with my eyes pretty much shut, locate some sunglasses, ask a stranger what the price tag said, key in my pin by touch alone. Not easy! A lesson learned there.

Roll on the weekend :)

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