Daunti's world

By daunti

The Labrynth

I have a few places I love to go to when I need some quite time to reflect and be with God. The labrynth is one of those places. It's kinda like having a date with God. We meet there. It is a very holy and sacred place to me. Sometimes I am just called to meet God there.

I usually go with my angel cards in a bowl which I place in the middle of the labrynth. Each card has a word on it and I believe that word is the word I need for that day. The word is a gift to take back with you to reflect on. Sometimes the word makes sense right away... sometime it make sense later.

When I first get there, I sit on a bench and prepare myself for my labrynth experience. When I feel ready I enter in...walk through...get to the middle...receive my word...then walk out reflecting on that word. Then I return to the bench where I started, to just sit and be quiet for a bit. That is the ritual of the labrynth and that part of it, I love.

My word to me is like getting an answer, maybe even a prayer being answer or maybe just getting the direction I need.

When I was walking through the labrynth today I kept hearing God's voice saying to me "just do it". When I got to the middle the word I picked out of the bowl was change. Well in my reflection to {just do it} I need to make {changes} in my life...

...Just do it... and... change... were really the perfect answers I needed. Love when it's that easy...

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