
By Poppy

What's this?

A week or so ago this boat came into the bay, towing a couple of fish farm cages. There is abet of a history of fish farming in the bay. Many years ago some local guys tried it but in a kind of rough and ready way. Eventually they were prosecuted for shooting seals in the area and they moved on.

After a few days the recent fish cages were dragged up onto the shore at the head of the bay and they are there still. Presumably they will be dismantled and cut up for use elsewhere.

Today this boat appeared again, this time towing six cages. At the moment they are moored out in the bay so the whole village is waiting to see what happens next!

Oh yes, and it's been another lovely day. Washing dried on the line and the grass cut! Was supposed to be in the craft shop, but I'm in there tomorrow afternoon instead. Stayed home for a delivery of timber - which is already being cut and nailed into shape!

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