simple moments

By simplemoments

bee willing to share...

...with others at all times

i felt like i should've have had one of those bee collector suits on today... all along this row of greenery, i think there were hundreds of bees hanging out... i could hear them buzzing away as i approached and while i was snapping. it was a bit eery... even though they didn't really pay any attention to me.

i don't know what was attracting them to this stuff either... it hasn't blossomed yet... i don't even know what it is. it was clinging, sort of like a hedge to a cement wall which i found unusual... but why are they so into it? apparently, it holds some fragrant attraction that is drawing them in... so much so that they are willing to share with their bee friends in a friendly fashion. i didn't observe any fowl play among them at all... oh, if it could be so with humans. sometimes, i think we have much to learn from our insect and animal friends... the ways in which they interact with each other - how they can get along - recognize that there is more than plenty for everyone... it was a moment to watch.

i also have much to learn about my new camera... with all the playing i did yesterday, i failed to recharge the battery - oops! so turning it on today - nada... whoa baby... good thing i now have a back-up. so this was taken with my trusty p&s today.

finally, someone please tell me how to turn on the little doodad that indicates what camera i'm using... so you all can see? i thought it just automatically showed up... but, ummmm, nope. i went into settings and check marked the exif (?) box, i think but that didn't do it either... so i'm confused. i'm certain it's a simple thing that will eventually lead to a

happy day.....

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