
By TeeJay

Kingfisher #2

Well, 300 photos later, I'm still here. I really wasn't sure when I started this what my commitment would be but I'm still enjoying the challenge so I'll stick around a bit longer - and at least make a personal commitment to complete the year unbroken.

Some days this has been a struggle, other days it's come easy. I've flicked back through some of my photos and I think there is a real variety of quality. Some are just point and click, some are planned and reasonably executed, some are just downright lucky. But I have learnt a lot.

I was in Nelson today for a meeting. I had a wee window of time between my meeting and an appointment so I ducked down to the estuary - which was sort of nearly on my way - to see what was happening. I was lucky to find it was low tide and so this wee kingfisher was out guarding the jetty. I took photos of him from my car, then gradually walked towards him, taking a photo after every couple of steps. He let me get within about 10 metres of him before he flew off. Unfortunately I was looking away at the moment he decided I was a threat, so all my photos of him (about 40) were just the same as this - only gradually closer.

So, a kingfisher sitting as if it's a stuffed one - not terribly interesting but at least he's a pretty colour.

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