Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

How to capture a garden

I took Mum to visit a friend for afternoon tea today. The main purpose was to take photographs of her garden for the garden designer who wants to put image on her website. So this was a challenge. Although the garden is small it proved difficult to find a position where I could show how it has been structured. This image is taken from an upstairs window and was the absolute maximum view I could obtain.

The garden is designed for someone who is not always there, so no grass to cut. You can see the fruit cage to one side and then the heavily planted borders on either side of the path.

It's a calm and peaceful place. It's also such a contrast from our garden so it was fascinating to see.

This is a back blip because of the mega computer failure of the old desktop. It's going to hospital later - groan.

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