Daily Wild

By emyjane


Much better viewed large!

Hardly any wind + sunshine = Macro lens! Yay!

Although not so yay when I stumbled across this truly astonishing caterpillar of a mullien moth (the wind had started) - apparently you're more likely to see the caterpillar then the moth - I tend to agree as I've never seen the moth (I don't think anyhow). It was munching on figwort. Ironically I planted yet another food plant for them a few months back which has only just started flowering & before I even knew the caterpillar was in the front garden, I had taken a picture of the newly opened flower in the back garden - the flower is also known as, Turkish Mullein, Lady's Foxglove, Graveyard Dust, Cow's Lungwort (used as a cure for coughing in cows), Aaron's Rod, Beggar's Blanket, Flannel Petticoats, Flannel Flower, and The Virgin Mary's Candle (the poor used the flower spikes as candles). Don't you just love local names of wildflowers? Anyhow - Mr Mullein is still chomping on the figwort outside as I type this!

Now I need a lesson - this photo was taken with ISO 800 with F stop 16 on AV setting on my canon & I still can't get the flipping insect ALL in focus, I just wondered if anyone had any tips?
Red damselfly

Well 7 days on the Spotlight & my copper didn't make it - I'm really not surprised, Spotlight must be fed up of me by now! ;-)

Thanks everyone again for the comments, hearts & starts from yesterday, if it weren't for all of you I wouldn't bother blipping! xxx

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