Giving this a go...

By Debiives

Rafa Nadal

Do you think he enjoyed his bbq ribs?
(Andrew was Andy Murray, Cameron was Nadal, neither were very good!)

A ridiculously busy day at work today with no time to breathe during the day and then trying to get the reports written after school on a computer that barely works. I'm going to have to write another ranty email to the business manager and go in of my day off on Monday to finish them.
But after thinking it was hard writing two comments per student we got Cameron's first ever school report today and it's 5 1/2 A4 pages long!!!! And every bit of it is really good so we are very proud.

Oh and Take That were AMAZING! The show was brilliant and the atmosphere in Wembley was awesome. The traffic jam coming home wasn't so amazing though and we didn't get home till 1.30am.

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