
Well it was a very early start for us girls on the golf course today. Alarm at 6am, shower, pack, load car, drive through MacDonalds b'fast, and onto the first tee at 8am!

18 holes later, in some lovely weather, the comp was all over for us girls. I had a good front nine, but some poor shots added up to make a bad back nine. The highlight was my chip in from 40ft off the green for a birdie on the 8th.

Then it was another great spread of food from the team at Seacroft. They have looked after us well this week! Many thanks!

Then watched the boys finish their comp, which resulted in a tie and two had to play off on the first hole!

4 hour drive home, followed by a hunt round the kitchen for some dinner as hubby is out with the boys on a surprise night out which I knew about!!!!

Found a packet of Party Rings and decided that was dinner!

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