Clark Tales

By cclark

Does anyone else understand this??

Wow a full and unexpected day. Picked up Ross the old flatmate so that we could go and use the internet at my parents. He needs to get some rooms rented out and needs photo's on his gumtree add. I also needed to pick up my RockBand drums. I have missed them. Then it was time to meet Jay at Starbucks for a wee coffee, before shopping!

Ran around the rest of the afternoon carrying out errands and cooking lots of food to freeze. Shower, then ready for work, triple time overtime tonight, thanks very much! Easiest shift of my life think I took 11 calls over 6 hours. Was Amazeballs.

Big issue with working to 11pm is that you come home buzzing and cant slepp. Ended up going to see my mate Jo then BFF Toni called Drunk. She never calls me drunk. She needed a lift. I obliged then went back to see Jo and we ended up crashing out on the couch! With a cat. I normally don't bond with Cats. this is my fave cat! He kept me warm all night. x

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