pauly joe

By pauliejoe

garbage day

this blip is here due to Dolcezza, who once told me to blip the first thing I saw in the morning when I once mentioned I was having trouble deciding on what to shoot for the day.

Aside from my mug in the mirror, this is one of the first things I saw this morning. Since the camera was in my hand (I take it with me ALL the time now) I did a quick hip shot as the garage door opened. I pretty much forgot about this shot until I sat down to post my blip.

It's amazing how much we consume. It's also amazing how much we throw out.

Here's an eye opening fact:

"At the consumption level of the average American, at least four additional planets worth of resources would be needed to support the planet?s six billion inhabitants."

Not getting on a soap box here, just something to think about . . .

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