
By mandygf

gala day....

what a busy day we've had today....

started off doing a marathon muffin baking & salad making session for the party of the century.....

then we headed off to the gala day to watch the floats come in....

then home for a quick change & off to the party.... what a blast thank you Gail.... Elliot for allowing up to join you for your 18th birthday bash... a great time was had by all, especially Cooper... I haven't laughed that much in ages...... Teegan has made a new friend in Isobel.... she enjoyed herself too... & not cause there was a yard fully of teen boys....

Cooper fell asleep before we made it to the end of the road... & hopefully that's him for the night....

there were quite a few blip friends there too, was good too see them all.....

this was almost my blip.... but the stiltslady from the gala day won....

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