The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Proud Moments No.47893

Our eldest won a competition to design the logo for the organisation who have been fundraising for two years for new equipment for the local play park. Today was the official grand opening and Hannah had the honour of cutting the ribbon. (She was meant to declare the play park open, but it was a bit daunting to say anything in front of all those grown ups and the local paparazzi...)

I've blipped lots about how much the kids, and Hannah especially, love to do arty crafty type things and winning this competition has been such a huge boost for her confidence. The logo is going to be made in to a permanent feature at the play park - how cool is that!!! Managed to keep it together long enough to take this photo - heaven knows what I'll be like when she wins her *first* Pulitzer Prize, or Nobel award, or is awarded a Laureate position...

We like to aim high in oor hoose.

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