
A long day today. We were seconds away from leaving the house to go to a 3rd birthday party when all panic broke loose as Milo hurtled down a hill on his tiny bike, went flying over a jump (that his dad had previously decided not to try) and landed face first on the concrete. Ouch. We're always good about making sure he wears a helmet when we're out and about, but didn't think he would find such danger in the garden! Lesson learnt.

He was an absolute star, waited patiently for over 4 hours in A+E (they never write about THAT bit in the Usborne books!!) then held still as stone as he was glued back up. It's looking better already, though I'm sure all mums out there will join me in recognising that pit of the stomach terror at seeing any kind of injury on your baby's little face. I think we may have our own little Harry Potter for a while.

Anyway, back to Bee. One of my thousand jobs to do this evening was to have another run through with the studio lights. Bee was modelling for me. It was a short shoot.

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