Webb London Marathon

By Astonwebbo

Extreme magner push!!

Today I am in santa fe and the weather is not super duper so went to a pub and found extreme magner push!!

I will admit not many of you will be aware of what magner push is, but it is a game myself, Dawes, Ali and tum created back home during a very drunken session 1 night, it is basically pushing a magners bottle across a table and getting it as close to the eye as possible, however trust the Americans to go one step further, we used a table of 2 feet maximum they use a board with music and lights about 15 feet in length!

Drinking real ale and playing American extreme magner push should result in a good night, also I believe haye lost as well tonight not sure what happened but I do like him so hope he wasn't robbed!

Av fun and I look forward to a game of real magner push at home soon xx

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