
By dsyglsy


man, what a day...

we got our piano from the town hall round the corner this morning - this one isn't actually ours, but my friend karen's which was upstairs in the hall (ours was, happily, downstairs). it was eventful getting the thing down - although faster than expected! can't believe how much pianos weigh! it survived although there were a few scary moments...

so now it's in and we all love it. a lovely neighbour (who'd heard about us getting the piano...no secrets in meldrum) gave us some beginners books too. it will be good to move on from several variations of chopsticks...

so after all that commotion, I was face painting at the open day at the park - ace weather and turn-out (and no complaints about my painting). then peggy's ballet show in inverurie town hall - where she danced up a storm dressed as a wee monkey. she was ace! I got a row for filming it though...I was quite indignant because they only stop folk filming this show so you have to buy the flippin 23 quid dvd. I'm sticking with my brief, low-quality footage.

and finally, a drink at the leggats...thanks g&l


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