Paul Morgans

By BakewellPie

Edensor Open Gardens

Today saw the gardens in the beautiful looking little village of Edensor (pronounced En Sur) on the Chatsworth estate having a village fete complete with brass band, punch and judy, etc. and also opening its gardens to the public.
Edensor has a unique quality somewhere along the lines of Midsommer Murders, meets The Prisoner.
Most of the houses here are for the workers on the estate. With the odd exception.
The dowager duchess lives in the Old Vicarage and you were able to wander/snoop! around her stunning garden.
Later in the day Bakewell carnival week reached its conclusion with its famous carnival. Thousands turned out for a great afternoon which is always made better when the sun shines, today it did.
The Wheatsheaf pub made a stunning float featuring a Space Shuttle that was huge and towered above everything else and blasted out brilliantly chosen music such as Space Oddity, Rocket Man and ended up with them parking it up outside the pub with 'the Final Countdown' blaring out.
It was a very poignant moment as Space travel seems to now have stopped or put on hold.
Growing up in the 70's seemed dull but when I look back at the ambition that the world had then, reaching out to space and flying around with jet packs it wasn't at all bad.

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