life is wonderful

By elize22

Last Hurrah

While weeding the garden this morning with daddy-dearest, we noticed this little tuft of grass and flowers growing out a hole in the brick edging. I think it's amazing that it was able to grow through the brick, especially since we usually have trouble getting plants to grow in the garden itself!

Other highlight of the day, went out with M and J to celebrate our last weekend without any responsibilities. First, we watched the Hangover Part 2. I actually thought it was better than the first one, but I was also one of the few people who didn't really like Hangover (Part I). Then, we went out to dinner at a restaurant called Barcelona. It was pretty pricey but the food was AMAZING!! I ordered flank steak with garlic spinach and sweet potatoes. I wanted to lick the plate clean when I was done. I'm drooling just thinking about it! :) After, we roaming the aisles of know, because that's what the cool kids do and successfully went through an entire I Spy book. Great night!

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