
By Runningbackwards

The Strawberry Line

Great weather.

Tag along bike picked up.

What to do?

A trip along the The Strawberry Line, so called as it used to carry strawberries, funnily enough.

It passes across the levels and even through a remaining bit of reed bed.

It also passes through some of the Thatchers' Cider orchards.

Son #2 was a bit too small for his new bike so Son #1 took it in turns to cycle with Mrs Running Backwards and myself.

It was quiet, warm, clear, beautiful.

What the summer is all about.

Back via the in laws and a Sunday barbecue.

What to do now apart from collapse in front of the Tour de France.

This shot shows a rhyne and the old trackbed which forms the cycle/walking path. It's mightily flat!

The only way is larger!

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