
Kerr had his first ever ice lolly today, it was a Fab. He wasn't really sure what to do with it and kept trying to hold it by the lolly part and not the stick. He got into a real mess with it and dropped it on the grass a couple of times too, oops!

We spent most of the day in the garden clearing up some of the rubble and mess from the builders. Kerr's Uncle M, Auntie L and cousin L came to help us which was much appreciated. It was a scorcher of a day here today.

Another first today for Kerr was wearing his Aberdeen football strip which Kerrsdaddy got him at Christmas. We are not keen on him wearing football strips out and about but he wore it today as we were just around the garden.

Spot Uncle M in the background about to try out Kerr's slide! And what a great composition I got for this photo - right beside the glass recycling bin, oh dear!

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