
By traceyflowerpot

Spring Clean up...

This is not a very good shot at all, very out of focus, but Eric and I have been busy in the garden for seven hours today tidying the garden, the first clean up since last year (the worse one). This is about three quarters of our garden it is seventy five feet long all in all, quite a big garden.

We have been moving plants, digging the borders over and Eric has been lifting some of the old slab to level the mud out to put grass seed onto.

We got quite alot done, it was fun we love doing the garden, its just getting started on the first tidy up and quite hard work.

It will all be done my the middle of next week, just Eric's shed and the fence panels to paint and slab in front of his shed and finish a couple more borders off tomorrow.

I will comment tomorrow as we are a little tired and we both have a slight back ache.

Time for a glass of wine and chill for the rest of the evening.


Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend...enjoy

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