Another Day

By pcc

Not a Pretty Sight.

But looks worse than it is.
We were away for the weekend up at Cass,on a Photographic Weekend as you will see by my last 3 blips. (28 members from our Nature Photography Club)
On the first night up there - the Friday -I got out of bed at 3am (as nature was calling), and I thought that I would put a log on the fire to keep everybody warm and cosy.
I had to venture down 3 steps.
I somehow twisted my ankle and went sprawling across the floor. Most ungainly, but no one really to see my predicament.
I knew that I had sprained my ankle, and that nothing was broken.
My boots still went on next day, I was able to walk, and was not in too much pain.
Once back in the City, I decided this morning to attend physio as the healing would then be much faster. I have strained the lateral ligaments, and consequently I have a lot of swelling and bruising up my leg, around the outer and inner side of my ankle and down to my toes.
So this is not because I am wanting sympathy, but it was an easy blip - and I thought my toenails looked worth it!!

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