Opal Rainbow

By opalrainbow


So the weather seems to have caught up with me on the emotional front.

Last Tuesday I got a phone call to pick up the eldest after she had an accident in P.E. She had been hit in the face with a golf club and "had a nasty cut that would probably need stitches"

I didn't even know they played golf in P.E. I mean, they're 10! Fancy giving a bunch of 10 year old golf clubs in the first place.......

I go into the office and my youngest is already there. She has gotten her sisters bag. P is still bleeding through the dressing that has been applied. Her uniform is covered in it, but she doesn't want to go to the hospital. She just wants to go home.

I tell her everything will be ok. Her daddy meets us at the hospital. We wait a couple of hours to get our turn. A couple more, see a doctor, P goes for x-rays.
The senior consultant comes along. He explains it's an open fracture. Something they don't have the facilities for. We need to go to the city. There will be a plastic surgeon waiting for us.

P has seen it by now. She went to the toilet and sneaked a look. She knows it can't be fixed by a band aid, but she is quite worried by the prospect of surgery. She doesn't remember needing to have her arm rebroken when it didn't heal properly when she was six. The drive up is quiet. I'm grateful for an automatic. It means I can hold her hand most of the time.

There was a very nice guy waiting for us at the Womens & Childrens. He had a winter jacket on and looked like he was on his way out. 9pm now. I must be getting tired, this is P's plastic surgeon and he has just got in. He takes off her last dressing. It's stopped bleeding now. I can see bone. I'm not squeamish, but I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Bed found, surgery sorted. We meet a steady stream of people who have left the comfort of their homes and possibly their beds. I already know I'm not going to remember any of their names.

And then we just wait for P to return. 2am- groggy, but with the tiniest of dressings compared to before. Everything went well. We take her home for whatever junk or sugar fuelled lunch she might fancy.

We are back Wednesday for a check up and change of dressing. The sore head seems to be subsiding, but P is starting to get itchy stitches.....

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