That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Dog Rose

Apologies for posting an insect two days running but I couldn't resist this one. I was trying to get the perfect photo of the Dog Rose (as they happen to be a favourite of mine) when this little insect (hoverfly?) popped into the shot. He cast his shadow on the petals, even of his delicate wing, so he won the blip.

As the weather forecast is for rain tomorrow we'd gone down to Dunglass to walk under the bridges and follow the burn down to the sea. We had a jolly time sloshing about in the seaweed among the strangely pock-marked rocks and deep rockpools and on the way back we crossed the old stone bridge and explored the cobbled path as far as the main road, meeting a resident who was concerned we may be lost but then recommended other interesting places to visit.

Plenty of photos taken but this was serendipidy in action.

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