
By blowfish


this is Topol. Topol is a plump brown sausage with legs. Topol lives with Ghazal and Bruce. they, too, are Night Riders. and doctors.

so, we went over to their apartment today so Leah could buy some used medical textbooks that G had put out on the wire. Ghazal is starting her fourth year here at TCOM and Bruce just finished and has begun the real deal, so to speak. doctordom: crazy stuff. but it was cool to see Leah and Ghazal talk about things: the future of school, what is forthcoming, what to buy, where to buy it, etc. etc. Bruce and I talked about Alaska and smoked beers, mostly.

they are doing the Fireworks ride tonight and it would be great to ride along but I feel more congested and stuffy than I have all week. this sucks for many reasons (not a lot of biking, for one), most notably that I have one of the biggest interviews of my life tomorrow morning for an adjunct teaching position in English at the community college here. I have been preparing myself today, as best as I can anyways with such a fuzzy head. should be interesting. if i am going to pull something out of my ass about my "teaching philosophy" the first step would be to stand up, i guess.


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