Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Little Black Cormorant.

Today has been a day of frustrations.

My brother in law came up today to give my husband a hand sorting out a business problem, so I decided to go to the shops to leave them in peace.

I went looking for work shoes. I hate shoe shopping as I have very small feet, and I have to buy children's shoes. I only found two possible pairs, and as I wasn't really in the mood, I didn't even bother to try them on.

So I went and bought some flowers to take up to Christian. Arrived at the cemetery only to find somebody had turned the water off so I couldn't put any water in the vase. Had to get my husband to bring up a bottle of water later.

Then I decided to look at my photos for the day. Neither of my SD cards would work. So my husband sorted that out, (so I thought), but then I couldn't view them as thumbnails.

I was getting more and more frustrated, especially when he kept asking me questions, and I didn't know the answers, (I didn't understand the questions either!!)

He's fixed it now I think, but I'm a bit nervous about using it now. It doesn't work the same way and doesn't look the same as before. I hate change. Mostly because I still don't understand computers.

I miss Christian so much at times like this, he used to be able to fix things so easily.

I've now got to see if I can still save my pictures the way I used to, if not I'll have to learn another way, and I've only just got used to doing it the old way.

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