Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Steep (learning) curve

I'm still pursuing images for my movement project, so I went today to the local park in Hexham to see if the skateboarders were there. They are older lads so I could ask their permission to take photos and feel comfortable that they had given informed consent.

I then discovered just how difficult a task I had set myself. The background was full of distracting objects and people. The sun was out so I could not easily shoot from below without losing all definition. There was a lot of trial and error. Most of the lads wore grey or black which did not help. Focussing was another issue. I had a lot of useful practice.

Then there was one boy on his bike who was very good at doing the twists in mid air at the top of the curve. He was happy to be photographed and here is the best image from the set.

The hard drive on the old computer is bust. I'll get my files back and have to decide which to put on the new computer. It won't seem such a tedious task if it's raining will it?? I start tomorrow.

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