The Chains The Bind Us

SWMBO and I are now officially Childminders ........... Bags (formally known as daughter) started back after her maternity leave so the looking after/training/schooling/beating of the Cygnet is now down to us during the working day.
Poor lad.

However, he has been full of smiles, chuckles and kisses today ....... but sweet talking wont work with us (he should ask his mother and uncle).

This evening a dozen of the camera club decamped to Aberdour - and arrived there as the cloud cover did the same.

I found these nice rusting chains on the beach and set about trying a wee experiment to see how using a flash and moving it about can change the character from natural light.
I took about 5 shots with the flash in a differnt spot each time - but will not make you suffer having to look at them.

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