Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Dust bin Man?

I, seriously, doubt he's called Sammy Ling.

We took off for that well known (Danish?) tatty furniture store near Edinburgh today.
Is it me, or has the quality gone the same way as our opinion of bankers?
We, actually, found one of the items we sought, and came to the conclusion that the other was not made to the design/size we need.

On the way up we called in at Annandale water for the inevitable cuppa. I have to admit that "The view from the brew" was destined to be today's effort until we stopped at Abington on the way back.
Yet another brew :¬)) , quick 20 min. kip and wakened up just as a people carrier hove into view and parked beside us.

Out popped this "Slape heided fellah" and legged it over to the nearest bin to empty their own contribution.

He won, hands down, the other shots I can duplicate any time.

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