
By jmules

Graduation Partied out

Today I had four graduation parties to go to.

Juli's was a brunch so there were no conflicts. The food was delicious! I also played kinect for the first time, and swung at a creepy clown pinata.

Bri's, James's, and Kelly's parties all started at the same time. So Lauren and I went to them in that order. There was so much food and drinks at all of the parties...which I am very proud to say that I did eat something at all of them. At James's party peter got hold of Drew's camera and started playing a game where you had to react to what ever he said then he took a picture. Mine was, 'Taylor Swift told you to stop bothering her.' My picture was filled with lotsa sadness.

This is a picture of Kimmy and Peter eating corn...sorry it's a little blurry...I can honestly say it was not my fault.

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