Randy's Journal

By RandyChild

Family Fun on the Fourth

Family party in our youngest daughter, (and youngest child's) back yard. My wife's birthday is on the 4th of July, so we had a surprise birthday party for her. All of our kids live pretty close to us here, so we get together fairly often. We had hot dogs and potatoes baked in the fire pit. I provided homemade sauerkraut (delicious) and homemade raspberry ice cream (hand cranked, no less).

This year, most fireworks are now legal in Utah. This is the first year we have been able to set off the aerials for many, many years. The only ones not legal are the ones with short fuses--fire crackers and cherry bombs. So, we sat in her back yard and everywhere you looked there were fireworks. It went on for about two hours. It was as good as any the cities have put on.

The kids played games, and the adults enjoyed the fun. Great time, great 4th!

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