Aperture Science

By stevie

Clarity of Vison

Another eye type shot.

Seems to have become my fall back blip.

I'm getting fed up with them mind you, Just can't seem to get them right somehow.

Ah well - Blip for the sake of a blip.

I've cloned out all the Blood vessels in my very blood shot eyes (headache never really lifted on the nightshift) and I think perhaps I've lightened it a wee touch to much.

There was an interesting set of clouds hovering over lanarkshire for a wee spell so I HDR'ed the Hell out of them and put them in the iris - Dunno if you can really tell.

Working Again to night - Should be busy and to be honest I'm just in the mood for it! Which is more than i can say for a while.

Still no camera - Using Bill Doors for the time being.


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